CONTEXT 2017 has ended

CONTEXT will ignite productive dialogue and the exchange of ideas about socially-driven and creative applications of data and technology in teaching and learning. 

CONTEXT is a forum for informal and formal educators, administrators, and community organizations to consider thoughtful implementation of technology and data in learning environments. 

avatar for Melissa A. Butler

Melissa A. Butler

reimagining project
writer + educator
Pittsburgh, PA
Author and educator, Melissa A. Butler, specializes in the art of noticing and holistic learning design. Her most recent books include How to Notice: Expand Your Experience of Everyday Life and IN A BUTTON, a picture book with illustrator Nicholas Hohman. She was a classroom teacher for 23 years and has built a career full of diverse projects embedded in practices of noticing.
read.inabutton.com | read.howtonotice.com 

My Speakers Sessions

Wednesday, October 4

1:25pm EDT


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